Missouri Polygraph Association Constitution

Adopted by vote of membership on January 11th, 2005; replacing the association Constitution, dated May 3rd, 1965, and all ammendments, rules and regulations.

Article I


The name of this association shall be: the "Missouri Polygraph Association," also known as and referred herein as the "M.P.A."

Article II


The purpose, goals and objectives of this association shall be:

  1. To promote and maintain the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and conduct of the polygraph profession.
  2. To promote and encourage the professional and scientific application of the polygraph profession as an investigative aid through continued education and training in accepted polygraph techniques.
  3. To encourage cooperation within the polygraph community through the exchange of ideas, experiences, research, and training to ensure continuous proficiency in the field.
  4. To improve the public image of the polygraph through professional representation and exposure.
  5. To cooperate and work with the American Polygraph Association (A.P.A.), American Association of Police Polygraphists (A.A.P.P.) and other professional organizations in matters of mutual interest.

Article III


  1. Polygraph: Any instrument, either analog or computerized, which is, at a minimum, capable of the simultaneous visual and permanent recording of a person's:
    1. Cardiovascular patterns and changes therein.
    2. Respiratory patterns and changes therein.
    3. Changes in skin resistance or conductance (electro dermal response/conductance).
    4. The polygraph instrument must be calibrated per manufacturers instructions.
  2. Polygraph Examiner: For the purposes of this association a polygraph examiner is any current or former employee or self-employed person whose responsibilities include the administration of polygraph examinations and who have successfully graduated from any polygraph school which has been formally recognized and approved by the A.P.A. or A.A.P.P., and who conducts or conducted testing in accordance with their training.
  3. Accredited Schools: Any school or training academy which includes formal instruction pertaining to the use and application of the polygraph, as previously defined; and whose curriculum has been formerly recognized and approved by either the A.P.A. or A.A.P.P., as such.

Article IV

Code of Ethics

The members of this association shall and hereby do, by virtue of their membership pledge to:

  1. Support the Code of Ethics of the M.P.A., A.P.A. and A.A.P.P.
  2. Maintain the highest standards of professional, moral, and ethical conduct with regard to all activities associated with the profession.
  3. Respect the dignity of all persons associated with their profession and duties without regard to race, color, creed, origin, gender, or lifestyle preferences.
  4. Hold themselves above and apart from undue influences, whether political or financial in regard to exercising their professional polygraph opinions or judgments.
  5. Report all known, suspected, or reported unethical practices and behaviors to a responsible party either within the M.P.A., A.P.A. or A.A.P.P., as appropriate.
  6. Abide by the Code of Conduct for the national association to which they belong or qualify, even if not a member, and hold themselves to that standard regarding all polygraph activities, practices, and opinions.

Article V

Membership, Officers and Board of Directors

  1. Membership:
    1. Membership in this association is a privilege, and may not be assumed. Membership may be revoked or suspended for any reason, as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws. All members agree, without challenge, to conduct themselves appropriately and professionally and be bound by the association Constitution and By-Laws, by virtue of their voluntary membership in this association.
    2. There are 4 (four) membership classes within the M.P.A.:
      1. Full Members (herein referred to as members)
      2. Associate Members
      3. Honorary Members
      4. Retired Members (Amended on August 31, 2005)
  2. Officers:
    1. There will be four officer positions within this association:
      1. President
      2. Vice-President
      3. Secretary
      4. Treasurer
    2. No association member may assume an officer position unless properly elected to or appointed in accordance with the Constitutional By-Laws of the association.
    3. Association officer privileges, duties, and responsibilities shall be established and defined in the By-Laws of the association.
  3. Board of Directors:
    1. The association Board of Directors shall consist of the immediate past president of the association, known as the Chairman of the Board and current association officers, and shall operate at the direction of the current president.
    2. The purpose of the Board of Directors is to act primarily as advisors to the current president, and do not possess any authority, either implied or specific, to act outside their stated and current duties or responsibilities within the association.

Article VI


  1. This document shall be known as the Constitution of the Missouri Polygraph Association.
  2. The purpose of this constitution is to provide the general authority for which this association operates.
  3. This constitution may be adopted, amended, or repealed as provided for.

Article VII

Constitutional By-Laws

  1. The purpose of the Constitutional By-Laws is to provide for the specific authority (operational guidelines) for which this association operates.
  2. The Constitutional By-Laws may be adopted, amended, or repealed as provided for.

Article VIII

General Article

  1. Meetings:
    1. Stated: Stated meetings shall be held quarterly, with advance written notice of at least 30 days to all members. This meeting shall be held at a time, date, and place agreed upon by the majority of attending members during the previous quarterly meeting.
    2. Special: Special meetings may be called if deemed necessary, by the association president with at least two weeks notice to all members.
    3. A detailed and written record of all association meetings will be made by the association secretary, or designate within 45 days of said meeting and provided to all members of the association.
    4. Roberts Rules of Order shall be used during all stated meetings for suggested procedural advisement. It is not; however, intended to be regulatory or mandatory in nature or use.
  2. Elections:
    1. Shall be held as required or as deemed necessary by the membership to ensure occupancy of all officer positions. Officers are elected to their respective position for a period of 2 years.
    2. Consecutive terms are allowed.
    3. The association president may, at their own discretion, and in the absence of the properly elected officer, appoint in writing a temporary replacement to act on behalf of the absent officer for a specific and stated purpose and period of time not to exceed four weeks. This written notice shall be submitted to the association secretary, and entered into the association records as soon as practical.
  3. Voting:
    1. Only full Members in good standing shall have one vote in all matters concerning the association. No member may cast more than one vote. No absentee votes are allowable.
    2. No other class of membership shall have a right to vote.
    3. Any general motion, having been submitted for consideration at a stated or special meeting, properly seconded, discussed, and recorded by the association secretary shall be considered passed and approved if done so by a two-thirds majority of members present. Exceptions to this are specifically outlined in the By-Laws of this association.
    4. Any motion or voted issue approved in due process becomes effective immediately unless otherwise provided for in said motion.
  4. Modifications or Changes to the Association Constitution and Constitutional By-Laws:
    1. Any change or amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws having been submitted for consideration at a stated or special meeting, properly seconded, discussed, and recorded by the association secretary shall be considered passed and approved if done so by a three-fourths majority.
    2. Any change or amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws approved in due process becomes effective immediately unless otherwise provided for in the change or amendment and shall be provided in writing, to all members by the secretary within 45 days.
  5. Dues/Fees:
    1. Shall be established within the By-Laws of this association.
    2. Shall be maintained in a Not for Profit (type) account by the Treasurer of the association, available for expenditure by the officers or membership as approved in the association By-Laws.
    3. Honorary and Retired members do not pay annual or recurring membership dues to this association.

Article IX


Should the Missouri Polygraph Association be dissolved for any reason all remaining funds, assets, and property will be used to settle any and all outstanding debts or financial obligations incurred by the association. The balance of assets shall be transferred to those organizations, as determined by majority vote, by remaining membership at a final, stated association meeting.